Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten… Wishes for The Book Genie

Top Ten TuesdayWelcome to Top Ten Tuesday – a weekly feature hosted by those lovely bookworms over at The Broke and the Bookish. Expect a new top ten list every week!

| Top Ten… Wishes for The Book Genie |

It’s Tuesday again and in this week’s Top Ten we’re asking The Book Genie for ten wishes… which is a lot harder than it sounds! So in no particular order, here are my (rather selfish) wishes:

| 1. |

The Ability to Pause Time

An infinite amount of time to read books?! That’s exactly what I need and would still leave me a world of time to get none bookish things done. On the condition, of course, that I wouldn’t age during the paused periods… I’m pretty sure my TBR list would see me into old age.heart

| 2. |

Perfect Retention & Recall

Ahh an eidetic memory would certainly come in handy when coming back to reviewing books. And it has wonderful applications for real life too!


| 3. |

A Rabbit Hole into (and out of) Book-Land

A way into and out of the worlds of my favourite books. Better throw immunity to injury, pain and death into the bargain as well – Book-Land can be dangerous!


| 4. |

Infinite Book Shelves

The ultimate space saving wish – a bookshelf which can hold an infinite number of books! No collapses! No avalanches post book retrieval! It’s the dream.


| 5. |

The Perfect Dinner Party

Once a week I can host a dinner party for authors, either living or dead, where I can enjoy their sparkling wit and conversation whilst getting some answers to any burning questions. Of course I’d need a very grand library-dining room cross-over for just such an occasion but I think The Book Genie would understand the necessity in fulfilling this wish.


| 6. |

I Want, I Want… I Get!

Yea, yea but this is totally book related – as soon as I think the words ‘I want this book’, it magically appears in front of me! That’ll save some time… or mostly effort. Pausing time really solves a lot.


| 7. |

My Very Own Wise Old Wizard

My very own Gandalf or Dumbledore – I promise I’ll look after him and comb his beard and I’ll even feed him! But mostly to guide me through life and stop me before I do anything stupid. Also to teach me magic. Yes… mainly that.


| 8. |

Become a Character for a Day

Ahh to be able to jump into the shoes of any character – good or evil – and experience their life for a day! I’m sure it would be highly amusing, terrifying and somewhat disturbing all at the same time.


| 9. |

The Most Beautiful Library… EVER!

I know, I already asked for infinite bookshelves but libraries are awesome. And there’s no reason it can’t contain infinite bookshelves! A win, win I’d say.


| 10. |

Instant Awesome Movies

My favourite books instantly become amazing films? Yes please!


What wishes would you ask The Book Genie to grant you? If you would like to join in with Top Ten Tuesday, head on over to The Broke and the Bookish and sign up!

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39 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten… Wishes for The Book Genie

  1. Love your list. I particularly like the idea of having your favourite authors round for a dinner party – although I’m useless and can’t speak or breathe whenever I meet one of my favourites so don’t know how I’d get on really!
    Lynn 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m exactly the same! I always want to say something witty and intelligent but just end up saying hi and thrusting my books upon them! I clearly need to plan in advance 😛


  2. I’d love to take a character’s place in a book for a day. How epic that would be! And pausing time and a way into (and out) of book worlds would be awesome too.


  3. Pausing time and perfection retention would be my first wishes too! I have always wished for those abilities! Although, the motivation for those powers came to me not because of my love of reading, but because of my procrastination and last minute studying in school :/ Ha ha

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is one of those TTT lists where I read other peoples choices and think: why didn’t I think if that.

    I love pretty much every single wish you made. You’re kind of brilliant at making wishes. I had #3, but didn’t think to add a life insurance policy. Very clever of you…

    My TTT

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Number two would be so amazing! Not just for writing reviews but for remembering what happened in book 1 of a series when book 2 comes out 3 years later. I would also be VERY happy to welcome my own charming, elderly-but-very-spry, twinkly-eyed mentor into my life. I nice bunch of wishes!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ok, your list is incredible!! I just kept going “yes, yes, yes” as I read through each one! Love the dinner party with authors and the rabbit hole into the best books and great movie adaptations and you own wizard. So awesome! Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. #1 is something that I’d really, really want too. Being a movie lover #10 is another wish that would be awesome if it ever actually came true. Great list! 🙂


  8. Oh, that are great wishes. A perfect memory would be really, really helpful – especially because I can’t always read my own handwriting 😀
    A ‘pet’ Gandalf would be helpful, too. Very helpful. Where can I find one?

    Liked by 1 person

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